

The options used for initializing the client


autoDeploy?booleanWhether the commands should be deployed to Discord automatically. Default false
baseUrlstringThe base URL of the app
clientIdstringThe client ID of the app
clientSecretstringThe client secret of the app, used for OAuth
deploySecret?stringThe deploy secret of the app, used for protecting the deploy route
disableAutoRegister?booleanWhether components and modals should not be registered automatically. If you want you register components yourself (e.g. you are changing them at runtime), you can manually call ComponentHandler#registerComponent and ModalHandler#registerModal on the client. Default false
disableDeployRoute?booleanWhether the deploy route should be disabled. Default false
disableInteractionsRoute?booleanWhether the interactions route should Default false
publicKeystringThe public key of the app, used for interaction verification
requestOptions?RequestClientOptionsThe options used to initialize the request client, if you want to customize it.
tokenstringThe token of the bot

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