

Embeds are used to display rich content in messages.

Embeds are used to display rich content in messages. They are created by extending the Embed class, and adding a title, description, and url property.

class TestEmbed extends Embed {
    title = "Embed Test";
    description = "This is an embed test";
    url = "";

Here we have created an embed with a title, description, and URL. You can use this embed in a message by using the Embed class.

Example Embed

Here is an example embed with all the properties you can use:

class TestEmbed extends Embed {
    title = "Embed Test"
    description = "This is an embed test"
    url = ""
    timestamp = new Date().toString()
    color = 16711680;
    footer = {
        text: "Footer Text",
        icon: "",
    image = "";
    thumbnail = "";
    author = {
        name: "Author Name",
        icon: "",
    fields = [
            name: "Field 1",
            value: "Value 1",
            inline: true,
            name: "Field 2",
            value: "Value 2",
            inline: true,

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