

Modals are popup forms that can be used to collect user input.

Modals are popup forms that can be used to collect user input. They are created by extending the Modal class, and adding a title and components property. All the components must be TextInput classes.

class ModalCommand extends Modal {
    title = "Test Modal"
    customId = "test-modal"
	components = [
		new Row([new TextInputHi()]),
		new Row([new TextInputAge()])
    async run(interaction: ModalInteraction) {
        const name = interaction.fields.getText("name")
        const age = interaction.fields.getText("age")
        const color = interaction.fields.getText("color")
        const height = interaction.fields.getText("height") || "not";
        await interaction.reply(
            `Hi ${name}, you are ${age} years old, and your favorite color is ${color}. You are ${height} tall.`
class TextInputHi extends TextInput {
    label = "Tell me about your life"
    customId = "life"
    style = TextInputStyle.Paragraph
class TextInputAge extends TextInput {
    label = "How old are you?"
    customId = "age"
    style = TextInputStyle.Short

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