

Buttons appear below messages and can be used to trigger actions or link to external sources.

Buttons appear below messages and can be used to trigger actions or link to external sources.

Creating a Button

To create a button, you need to create a class that extends the Button class. This class will handle the button and its functionality.

import { Button, type ButtonInteraction } from "@buape/carbon";
export default class PingButton extends Button {
    customId = "ping"
    label = "Ping"
    async run(interaction: ButtonInteraction) {
        await interaction.reply("Pong!")

In this example, we have created a simple button that responds with "Pong" when the user clicks on it.

The custom ID is what is set on the button to differentiate it from other buttons. You cannot have the same custom ID for multiple buttons in a message sent to Discord.

Setting the Style

The style property is used to set the style of the button. This is used to determine the style of the button. The available styles are:

  • Primary: A blurple colored button
  • Secondary: A gray colored button
  • Success: A green colored button
  • Danger: A red colored button
  • Link: A gray button solely used for links

Link buttons are used to link to external sources. They are created by extending the LinkButton class, and adding a url property.

import { Button, type ButtonInteraction } from "@buape/carbon";
export default class LinkButton extends Button {
    label = "Carbon Documentation"
    url = ""

Note that these buttons do not trigger any actions on the bot side, and are only used to link to external sources.

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